Mark 4
4:1-25. The gospel goes to all without distinction. Even in good soil, its increase is varied.
The maker of ears is sovereign. At his command, they hear (9, and cf.11). Yet men see what they want to see, and hear what they want to hear. Man is responsible (12, 24).
V.12. Quoting Is.6:9-10, “Christ takes upon His lips the very words of the One who sits on the throne.” Dennis Prutow. In other words, this is a tacit claim to be the LORD. Cf. John 12:39-41.
Vv,21-22. The sowing of the gospel seed reveals the condition of the heart’s soil, like a lamp on a lamp stand casts light into the darkness. Jesus’ words reveal and judge.
4:26-34. Sowing, Waiting, Harvesting. Some things take time. Some are our responsibility, and some are God’s alone (26-29).
Cf.24-25 with 11-12, 33-34. Those who love the darkness are kept in the dark. Those who seek the light will be illuminated. It’s a law of nature as well as of God, and it pleases everyone. At least until the judgment day (22).
4:35-41. Authority over Wind and Sea. (The restless sea is often a metaphor for the nations, and the wind, of the spiritual powers which move the waves). V.38. Cf.Ps.44:23; 78:65; Jonah 1:5-6. V.39. Cf. Ps.135:6. (Also, cf. Rev.4:6. Where the Lord reigns, there is tranquility. The raging sea becomes a sea of glass). V.40. If the Lord is at peace, why should we be afraid? V.41. But now they are even more afraid. Who is this? What manner of man is this (KJV)? Do not fear the storm. Fear the Lord of the storm.