Mark 11

  11:1-11.  Cf. Mt.21:1-9 for added details and O.T. prophecies.

     11:1.  Bethphage means “House of Figs”; Bethany means “House of Dates”.  (And Bethlehem is “House of Bread”).

     11:9.  See Ps.118:22-29, esp.25-26.  Hosanna means “O (Jehovah) save now!” Cf.Ps.20:9.

11:11. Mark alone tells us that it was not until the following day that Jesus cleansed the temple.

     11:12-26.  It was not the season for figs (13), but God expects his people to be fruitful in season and out of season (2 Tim.4:2).  Faith is always in season (22).  But when the Lord visited Jerusalem, she was a barren fig tree (Jer.8:13; Hos.9:10; Mic.7:1-2).  Matthew says that the fig tree withered at once upon being cursed.  No doubt it did die immediately from the root up (20), but Mark tells us that this was not evident until the following morning (much like a man who cuts his roots from the source of life).  This allows Mark artfully to show the purpose of Jesus’ demonstration, by showing the barrenness of Jerusalem, before the death of the fig tree is noticed (15-18). Cf. Luke 13:6-9.

     V.23.  Mountains are used as metaphors for empires, and the restless sea for the turmoil of the nations (e.g. Ps.46; Jer.51:25; Rev.8:8).  That is true here of Jerusalem, but Jesus also uses the metaphor to represent our debts (transgressions).  These mountains also can be cast into the sea (Mic.7:19).  Faith and forgiveness are the keys of the kingdom (cf. Mt.16:19 & Luke 17:3-6).

     11:27-33.  See notes at Mt.21:23ff.