Mark 1

   1:1-8.  The account of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection is but the beginning of the gospel (v.1).  V.2 is actually from Mal.3:1, and amplifies Isaiah’s quote in v.3.  The way to make ready for the Lord’s coming is repentance, and the obedience and faith that accompany it (4-5).  John lives like Elijah.  His baptism, like all water baptism, is a sign and seal (to those of true faith) of the saving baptism that only God can give.  John points away from himself to the true minister of salvation (6-8).

     1:5.  The use of the word “all” here is not in an absolute sense, but means “very many from all this area”.  The rest of the N.T. writers also sometimes use all in other than an absolute sense, as do we in common speech.  This is important to keep in mind.

     1:10.  Mark uses the Greek word here translated “immediately”, forty-one times in this gospel.  It means directly, but can mean merely soon, or later.

    1:15.  Repentance and faith must always go together.  One who does not believe will not repent.   One who does not repent refuses to believe (cf. Mt.21:32).  Faith is therefore a gift of God (Eph.2:8), and comes to his elect by his command, “Repent and believe in the gospel”.  The call is freely given to all, but only those whose ears are touched by sovereign grace will hear and obey.

     1:16-20.  Jesus and these men were not new to each other (John 1:35ff.).

     1:21-45.  Authority (22, 27) is the issue.  Who is this man, and where did he get this authority?  This is certainly a main theme of Mark’s gospel.  When Jesus speaks, it is done (41).  He doesn’t say “Thus says the LORD,” as do the O.T. prophets.  He speaks as the Word of God by his own authority.

     V.32.  “After the sun had set,” i.e. when Sabbath was over.

     V.34.  The enemy always recognizes Christ.

     V.44.  This is a divinity claim, for the Law said that the offering was to be made when God cleansed a leper (Lev.14:1-32).  Yet everyone knew that Jesus had done it on his own authority.  “I am willing; be cleansed.”  (41).