Luke 6
6:1-11. See notes at Mt.12:1-14 and Mark 2:23-3:6.
6:12-19. Luke makes a real effort to place most events “in consecutive order” (1:3). Matthew is more interested in grouping things thematically. Luke’s placement of the choosing of the twelve from among Jesus’ many disciples seems more likely.
6:20-49. Luke’s Sermon on the Mount. See notes at Mt.5:1-7:29.
6:35-36. This is key. We were once God’s enemies. If he showed mercy to us, we must be willing to be merciful.
6:43-45. Being merciful does not mean having no discernment. We must recognize the difference between good and evil to live in this world. What is in a man’s heart will soon be evident, just as a tree is known by its fruit. (Cf. Mt.7:15 ff.; 12:33). Righteousness does not come by agonizing over right choices. Rather, it springs naturally from a redeemed and grateful heart bearing the fruits of the Spirit.