
 When this letter was written, and to what churches, is much disputed.  Obviously the Holy Spirit, knowing our attention span, graciously tells us only those things that are needful, which is only a spotty outline of what happened, fleshed out at important places.  Otherwise, the world could not contain all the books (John 21:25).  This is a useful thing to remember, as it is easy to assume too much.  How does Galatians fit into the book of Acts?  We must hold our opinions loosely, but I favor the view that Paul wrote it to the churches he visited in the southern part of the Roman province of Galatia during his first missionary trip; Derbe, Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch of Pasidia (Acts 13 and 14).  Most likely, Judaizers soon arrived in those new churches perverting the pure gospel of salvation by God’s free grace alone, and Paul wrote this letter from Antioch of Syria to counter the threat.  If so, this may be an early epistle.