Colossians 4

    4:1.  This verse completes the previous section with the brief exhortation to masters.  Its brevity is more than made up for by the letter to Philemon, the master of Onesimus (9), which obviously was sent by Paul at the same time, as well as the lost letter to Laodicea (16).  Ephesians likely was also sent at the same time.  Cf. the similar content, and that both letters are sent by Tychicus (4:7-9; Eph.6:21-22).

     4:2-6.  Paul urges them to be watching  (see KJV) in prayer, with thanksgiving (rather than complaining about the oppression of our lot).  And to pray also for him, and for the success of the gospel through him, and through them as well, as they speak to outsiders.  (V.5.  I would prefer that the literal margin be in the text, and the paraphrased text be in the margin.)

     4:7-9.  See comment at 4:1.

     4:10-17.  Paul concludes with introductions and greetings.  Among other things, we learn only here that Mark was Barnabas’ cousin (10), and that Luke was a physician (14).

     4:18.  Paul closes with his usual signature in his own hand, another reminder to remember his bonds, and a blessing of grace to them.