See the introductory notes at 1 Timothy.
1:1-4. Paul’s greeting to Titus. Titus was a Greek (Gal.2:3), and v.4 implies he was one of Paul’s converts. Paul describes his commission for the faith of God’s elect, a faith based on a knowledge of the truth, a truth according to godliness (i.e. according to an active love and fear of God). Our hope of eternal life (2) is based on God’s promise, which the God who cannot lie gave to himself “lit., before times eternal” (margin). This is the eternal covenant between the Father and the Son to save a particular people (see 2 Tim.1:9; Eph.1:3-6, and notes there). When the proper time came, God’s promised salvation came to pass (was manifested); God thus has kept his word, and God entrusted the gospel to Paul and commanded him to proclaim it (3).