Acts 28
28:1-6. At v.5, cf. Mark 16:18, and the more figurative passages, Luke 10:19; Psalms 91:13.
The superstitious “barbarians” (margin) were correct to a point. There is a spiritual dimension to life, both good and bad. Superstition is a great error, but were they more foolish than the modern materialists? Some of them, the animal rights crowd, would shrug off Paul’s miraculous escape from harm from the viper’s poison, and berate him for harming the viper. According to their philosophy, there would be no intrinsic difference in the value of a man over a snake. Contrast this with the kindness of the Maltese to suffering men.
28:11. The Twin Brothers: “…i.e., Castor and Pollux, twin sons of Zeus,” (margin). They are also twin stars in the constellation Gemini, and were the patrons of distressed mariners.
28:20. “The hope of Israel.” (Cf. Luke 1&2, esp.1:67-70; 2:29-32.
28:28. Having, as always, gone to the Jews first, Paul goes also to the Gentiles, according to God’s commission (cf. John 12:32).
28:30-31. Cf. Ro.15:22-33. The “two whole years” of v.30 were the years AD 60 and 61 (F.F.Bruce). What became of Paul after that is a matter of pure speculation. But see this that he wrote to Timothy from prison; 2 Tim.4:6-8.