Acts 24
24:1-9. Even if Tertullus’ flattery and list of false charges is much condensed, Luke certainly gives the oily flavor of his speech. The charge of attempting to desecrate the temple (6) may refer to the false notion that Paul tried to bring a Gentile in beyond where they were permitted (21:29). This would have been a capital offense for both of them. The Romans authorized the death sentence for this even for a Roman citizen.
24:15. Paul well knew that the Sadducees rejected the hope of the resurrection (23:6). But since many members of the Sanhedrin were Pharisees, who did believe it, they couldn’t very well condemn him for that alone. Because of this issue, you could be a Pharisee and a Christian, but not a Christian and still a Sadducee.
This verse is a plain and unambiguous statement that there is one resurrection only, a general resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked. There is no pre-millennial rapture. There is one last great day resurrection unto judgment, at a time known only to God. You are not going to be “left behind” examining all those end time charts and graphs, trying to decipher what comes next. See John 5:28-29.
24:16. In view of v.15, do v.16.
24:17. About the alms collection, see Ro.15:25-28; 1 Cor.16:1-4; 2 Cor.8, 9.
24:21. (23:6). For the centrality of Paul’s preaching about the resurrection, see 1 Cor.15:12 ff.
24:24. Felix’s wife, Drusilla, was the sister of both King Herod Agrippa II and Bernice (25:13). They were the children of Herod Agrippa I of Acts 12, who was eaten by worms and died.
24:25. According to the current experts on how to grow a mega church through “seeker evangelism”, this is where Paul messed up. He was doing so well, until he mentioned righteousness, self-control, and the judgment to come. (Cf. Gal.5:22-23).
About the diverse ways men “beguile themselves” and so harden their hearts, William Gouge lists this way first: “By putting off for the present such means as might soften them to another time; as he that said to Paul, ‘Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee.’ But that season never came.” Wm. Gouge, Hebrews Commentary, at Heb.3:8.