Acts 20

     20:5.  “…waiting for us….”  Luke is again present.

     20:7.  They gathered to partake of the Lord’s Supper on the evening of the first day of the week, which was an established pattern.

     20:21.  “…solemnly testifying…repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.”  It seems to me the usual Christian testimony skips a few of the essentials here.  The message is too often desperately not solemn, rarely seeks to bring all men face to face with the awful offense of their sins before an infinitely holy God, and Jesus is introduced as our chum, not our Lord Christ.  We don’t need confirmation of our lives. We need a Savior.  We need the gospel of the grace of God (24).

     20:26.  Cf. Ezek.3:16-21, 33:1-9.

     20:27-30.  It is the duty of a shepherd to defend the flock from enemies, both from without and within.

     20:35.  Jesus wasn’t talking about a Christmas gift exchange, but about being on the giving or receiving end of charity to the weak.