Acts 3

 3:1-16.  Peter and John use a great work of power to authenticate their message.  Jesus did the same all through his ministry.  The difference is, Jesus healed by his own authority.  But the apostles acted in the name and by the authority of Jesus (6).  Credit Christ (12).  Notice (16) that it is not any faith in the lame man that contributed anything to his healing.  The faith in Jesus was the faith of the apostles who boldly commanded him to walk (6).

     3:17-26.  Peter confronted the people, just as boldly, with their rejection of God’s promised Christ (13-15), and with their need to repent (19).  He appeals to the Scriptures to show that this was all the plan of God announced by Moses and the prophets beforehand (18, 21-22, 24).  A terrible judgment awaits those who reject the Christ whom God has raised (23), but forgiveness, deliverance, and blessing are for all who turn from their sin to God’s risen Savior (19-21, 25-26).