John 15
15:1-8. See margin references. Jesus uses a common OT metaphor. He is the true vine of Israel.
15:2. Cf. Heb.12:11.
15:9-12. Over and over in these last hours, Jesus stresses faithfulness, i.e., abiding in his love (9), which they will do if they obey him as he obeys the Father. This is not a way to earn his love, but a joyous response to the love which he first had for them (11-12).
15:13-27. All throughout are intertwining repeated themes of the doctrines of grace. It is God’s initiative, his choice of them, his love for them, his provision to help, guide, and preserve them. He sends them back into the world they came from to represent him while he is gone. It is a world that hates God, and will hate them. They are his witnesses in such a world, but not without the Helper, the Spirit of truth which he will send from the Father.
15:25. The word “Law” is often used in a specific sense for the first five books of the OT, the books of Moses. But here, it is used in a general sense to include the whole OT. Ps.35:19; 69:4;and Ps.109:5 all contain the idea expressed here. All these Psalms are Psalms of David. They are all imprecatory Psalms (Psalms that pray for justice and the vengeance of God on enemies). Jesus teaches us here that these words of David apply prophetically to him. They are a terrible warning to those who persistently sin against knowledge (22-24).