Mark 3
3:1-6. Which best honors the Sabbath, saving a life, or planning a murder? Can one really keep the merciful spirit of the fourth commandment by breaking the sixth? This argument closed their mouths in sullen silence (4), but made them all the more determined (6). The Pharisees hated the Herodians, but Satan is not divided against himself (cf.24-26). A common cause unites.
3:7-19. The gospel accounts could not make it any plainer, still it is hard to imagine the multitudes that thronged to Jesus. He begins now to narrow his attention to the training of the twelve. See notes at Mt.10:2-4.
3:20-35. V.22, see notes, Mt.10:25. Vv. 21, 31-35. Cf. Mk.6:4. One of the greatest evidences for the honesty of the Scriptures is the inclusion of these sorts of matter-of-fact unflattering accounts. His own family comes to take custody of him, saying, “He has lost his senses”. Who reports such things about their hero? (Cf. Luke 14:26). Those who are sure of and devoted to the truth are free (John 8:32).