Matthew 28

  Cf. Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20-21; Acts 1:1-11; 1 Cor.15:3-8.  Matthew’s account of the events following the resurrection is very condensed and conflated. All the gospel accounts taken together reveal so much emotion, excitement, and confusion of mind that some of it is difficult to sort out, yet the common witness of it to the reality of this miracle of miracles is clear, solid, and unshakable.  See Appendix I.

     28:16-20.  Vv. 16-17 evidently refer to the occasion recorded in 1 Cor.15:6, where Jesus met more than 500 witnesses at once.  Those who were still doubtful until then apparently had not seen him until then.  It seems no one believed without seeing.  To our benefit, they were not a credulous bunch.  The great commission (18-20) is great on many levels.  V.18 shows that Christ has been given all power.  We are not waiting for him to establish his kingdom.  The scepter over heaven and earth is in his hand to carry out the Father’s will.  At the same time, he is with us (20), and will always be.  He is our true husband by covenant, and we await the consummation.