Matthew 27

  27:1-2.  The formal meeting of the council to ratify the finding of the hearing didn’t last long.  Since the Roman government had to concur and carry out the sentence in capital cases, they quickly sent him to Pilate.

     27:3-6.  What did Judas’ repentance lack?  “He had no faith in forgiveness in God…. instead of coming to him, he bids him the utmost defiance, and hangs himself.”  John Owen.

     The hypocrisy of the chief priests in v.4 and v.6 is way below sea level.  “See to that yourself!” is a denial of any guilt on their part (cf.v.24).  But being too nice to touch blood money which they themselves had paid because it wouldn’t be lawful to dirty the treasury with it?  Words fail.

     27:7-10.  Acts 1:18-19 shows another good reason (perfectly compatible with this one) for this field being called the Field of Blood.  Judas apparently hung there until he rotted and fell upon the rocks.  By their purchase of the field with his money, it became his estate, and place to bury strangers (foreigners).  Cf. Zech.11:12-13. 

     27:24.  Like pro-abortion politicians, Pilate was personally opposed to crucifying the innocent, but….

     27:27-31.  Each of the gospels includes facts that the others do not.  The mocking of Jesus with the scarlet (or purple) robe by the soldiers had begun when he was before Herod.  Herod had sent him back to Pilate dressed this way as a joke (Luke 23:11 f.).  It was adopted and became more vicious when Pilate’s soldiers mocked him at the scourging (John 19:1 ff.), and was continued after the final sentencing.

     27:37.  This was a Roman charge of sedition.  Both Jewish and Gentile law was perverted, and the whole world was guilty of this crime (cf. Ps.2).

     27:45  Noon to 3:00 p.m.  Cf. Amos 8:9-10.

     27:46.  Jesus fulfills the words of Ps.22.  Ironically, the scribes and elders had quoted it first (perhaps unwittingly) in v.43.

     27:50-53.  The wrath of God began to descend upon the world even to the beginning of the resurrection of God’s elect to take them out of the way.  But the hand of judgment was staid for a time for our sakes (2 Pet.3:9-10).  This is how close we are at any moment to the Last Great Day.  Only his patience for the remaining elect holds back the final stroke.  Note that these raised did not appear until after Jesus’ resurrection (v.53).  He is the First Fruits of them that sleep.

     27:62.  The next day began for them after sundown, but Matthew probably means the next daylight period.  Preparation day is the day before the Sabbath (Ex.16:5; Mark 15:42), so they did this work on Saturday the Jewish Sabbath, while Jesus rested.