Matthew 9
9:1-8. Our attention here is called to the fact Jesus’ healings of the afflicted are really manifestations of his a authority to forgive sins, and such authority is his because the Son of Man is also the Son of God. The scribes caught the import of his words, and were offended. We are not properly awed that Christ has given us the authority to forgive those who have sinned against us, for he has given such power to men (v.8; Mt.18:18; John 20:23).
9:9. It is no accident that Matthew chose such an account of forgiveness of sin to precede mention of his own calling, for the Pharisees knew a sinner when they saw one. Names are often important in Scripture. Levi (perhaps his birth name?), means “attached”, and Matthew (most likely the name Jesus gave him) means “Gift of Jah” (short for Jehovah).
9:18-26. See comment at Mk.5:22-43.
9:35-38. It is easy to miss the import of these verses. It is hard to imagine the impact of such a broad and total power over every kind of disease and sickness. V.36 is a very important verse needing no comment, except the passages it alludes to. Nu.27:16-17; Ezek.34:2-6; Zech.10:2.