2 Timothy 1
(See introduction to 1 Timothy.)
1:1-10. Paul and Timothy share a common Jewish heritage of faith (3, 5; cf. Acts 16:1; 2 Tim. 3:15), for which Paul thanks God (cf. Ro.3:1-2; 9:4-5). This is a special blessing and bond they share, their common faith now brought to fullness in the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who has brought God’s eternal purpose of grace and life to light through the gospel (9-10).
1:8,12. Do not be ashamed of the testimony; I am not ashamed; this shame is the shame of timidity (7), which causes some to temper or deny the gospel of Christ out of fear. But Christ by his faithful testimony on the cross has abolished death. Why should we be ashamed or afraid of what man can do to us? If we entrust our life and work to Christ, he will guard and keep it all until the judgment day (cf.2:10-13; 4:8).
1:13-14. As in 1 Timothy, Paul urges Timothy to guard, through the Holy Spirit, the treasure (good deposit, margin) of sound words (i.e., whole, healthy words, cf. Acts 20:27) which is now entrusted to him.
1:15-18. All who are in Asia turned away from me; Apparently, Paul is warning Timothy, who is now in the province of Asia at Ephesus, that all those from Asia who were with him in Rome repudiated him before going home. He names two in particular, and then contrasts their behavior with that of the faithful Onesiphorus, who did the exact opposite and came to his aid.