2 Corinthians 13

     13:1-2.  In using this legal language of the court from Deut.19:15, Paul is warning them that the time to repent of their sins is before he comes.  He will deal as a judge with those who have refused the day of grace.

     13:3.  If those who trouble the church seek proof that he speaks and acts for Christ, they shall have it.

     13:4-8.  We must never be presumptuous, but must always examine ourselves, and the true state of our faith.  Is Christ in us, or not?  Yet we need not fear an unjust judgment (8).

     13:9-10.  Paul’s authority to punish is real, in spite of his personal weakness.  But his use of authority, even in discipline, is to build them up.

     13:11-14.  A word of comfort, encouragement, and benediction.