1 Thessalonians 5
5:1-3. Nothing needs to be written about the timing of the Lord’s coming in judgment (1), because they know full well that this is not for us to know, but has been fixed by the Father’s authority (Act 1:7). (Of course there are many teachers who have gone ahead and told us everything about it anyway.) We also know that when the end comes, it will come with no warning, like a thief in the night (2). Thirdly, it will come suddenly and inevitably, like birth pangs to a woman with child. There is no escaping it (3; cf. Is.13:8; Hos.13:13; Mic.4:9).
5:4-11. But God’s people are not to be caught unaware, for they are always to be ready to meet the Lord. The Day has already dawned in their hearts (cf. Is.9:2; 2 Peter 1:19).
Paul uses the figure of sleep in two ways. The bodies of the redeemed who die rest in peace, secure in the word of the Lord and the power of their risen Savior (4:14-15). But those who are outside of Christ are dead in sin even though they live. They are asleep in false security, thinking God does not see their deeds done in darkness (6-7). Salvation comes by God’s appointment (9), and whether we are awake or asleep, we are always protected by the Lord’s armor (8), and secure together with him (10).
5:12-15. Here is advice for maintaining a healthy church. Respect the faithful elders, and everyone practice church discipline, which includes both admonishment of the unruly, and encouragement of the weak, with patience toward all.
5:16-18. Rejoice always; in everything give thanks. We are to rejoice in all things, not for all things. We give thanks in everything, not for everything. We do not rejoice or give thanks for sin, or suffering, or death. But we rejoice and give thanks that always and in everything we are in God’s wise and gracious will, and that “in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through him who loved us” (Ro.8:37; cf. Job 19:23-29). This
is God’s will for us in Christ Jesus (18), that we pray without ceasing, and rejoice and give thanks always in everything (see Heb.12:2).
5:19-22. We are not to quench the Spirit, but we are not to be gullible either, examining everything in the light of God’s word (Gal.1:8; 1 John 4:1; cf. Is.8:19-20). The Holy Spirit never contradicts himself.
5:23-28. Final greetings, instruction, and blessings.